About Us

Our very own talent pool.

Christian Hodell

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CEO and agent

Christian wanted to be an emperor when he grew up.

Christian started his career in 1988 in Chicago, which was nothing like the musical, before heading to Tinseltown in 1990 to make his dreams come true. As an alumnus of the Triad Artists mail room, delivering packages in Armani suits he could not afford, he worked with such legends as Hylda Queally and Nicole David. He then met Lorraine Hamilton, widely known as the nicest lady in showbusiness. Disoriented by jetlag, lorazepam and a good Bordeaux, she apparently offered him a job. He joined her in London shortly thereafter in June 1993. He worked his way up from assistant to agent, company director, partner and in 2008 became the managing director. He is extremely proud to carry on Lorraine's tradition.

Christopher Farrar

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Managing director and agent

Christopher wanted to be a mineralogist or a zoologist when he grew up... any old ologist would have done.

The dapperest of young men about town, before developing his magnificent client list, Christopher worked for a theatre producer. Christopher has been likened to All About Eve (..once or twice...ahem) - so fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night.

Madeleine Dewhirst

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Partner and agent

Madeleine wanted to be a witch when she grew up. But not in a cutesy way, in a Neve Campbell "The Craft" sort of way.

When she realised knee high socks were strictly forbidden at school and ‘light as a feather, stiff as a board’ really didn’t work, she thought it best to get some form of fall-back education and started a Drama degree at the University of Kent.

Madeleine charmed her way into Hamilton Hodell in 2007, starting in the commercials division before joining Michael Symons’ team. When Michael retired to look after his daughter​, fake news circulated that she had paid him not to return in exchange for full control of his list. At time of publication, Madeleine was unavailable for comment on this...

Working as a double act, Madeleine and Sian co-Agent their list of clients and as a result have been known to do cringey things like finish each other's sentences or turn up in colour co-ordinated outfits. Madeleine has even cultivated a very passable Australian accent.

India Harris-Sinclair

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Agent, Commercial and Voice-over

India wanted to be a dancing silhouette in a James Bond Movie when she grew up.

India wanted to be a dancing silhouette in a James Bond Movie when she grew up. She still does.

India went to National Youth Theatre in the same year as one of her clients. 
While reciting a monologue in front of an ensemble of extraordinarily gifted student actors, she realised she was actually rather terrible, so reluctantly she handed over the baton of fame and glory (otherwise hers!) to the client who -  just to be rude - then won an Olivier award. OK - he would probably have done fine without her baton but she constantly guilt-trips him about it anyway.  
Aside from being generally fantastic at almost everything, India sings as a chorister and loves touring the country for the finest banoffee pie. She also has yellow eyes, so don't look in them, lest you fall under her spell.

Alexander Cooke

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Partner and agent

Alex wanted to be a sniper when he grew up.

Alexander Cooke is a Leeds native who made his mark in showbiz at the tender age of 3, playing a young king at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. He has never lost that regal bearing.  As a teenager, he went on to star in CASUALTY (exhibit A for the prosecution - at 6:00) and many other TV productions. He took early retirement at 16 and now focuses on the other side of the camera.

It is strongly suspected that he actually paid someone to interrupt his job interview to tell us how wonderful he is.

Sian Smyth

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Partner and agent

Sian wanted to be a teacher when she grew up and so tortured her sister with constant homework assignments, just so she would have something to mark.

The office boomerang, Sian hails from Australia and has bounced in and out of the HH family since 2008, providing cover and confusing everyone over the pronunciation of her name (it's See-Anne). A previously dedicated commitment-phobe, she worked through jobs in casting, TV production and even the heady heights of advertising until the Friday drinks trolley became a thing of the past. Although a love of travel persists, like any good boomerang she always returns to her two first loves - talent management and London. At HH she is thrilled to have found a merger of the two.

Working as a double act, Maddie and Sian co-Agent their list of clients and as a result have been known to do cringey things like finish each other's sentences or turn up in colour co-ordinated outfits. Maddie has even cultivated a very passable Australian accent.

Joshua Woodford

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Joshua wanted to be a wrestler when he grew up.

Three broken sofas later and procrastination over his theme tune meant he decided to pursue the much tougher, yet more exciting profession of talent management!

Josh found his way to HH after studying law at Nottingham Law School but decided to swap legal practice for legal dramas and has never looked back.


Elizabeth Fieldhouse

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Lizzy dreamed of being a supermarket check-out assistant. She couldn’t get enough of the ‘beep’ of that till.

However, after the heartbreaking realisation that this probably wasn’t for her, she left the tartan backdrop of Edinburgh for the bright lights of New York City to study and further hone her love for the business they call Show. Missing her home comforts she hopped on a plane to London where she spends her time eating spaghetti bolognese and straightening her hair.

Saffron Beaton

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Associate Agent

Saffron wanted to be a dancer with moves like Shakira when she was younger...

...but it turns out those hips did lie and Saffron realised belly dancing probably wasn't for her.

After studying Theatre and Performance at the University of Leeds, Saffron shimmied home to London to do a stint in theatre administration before setting her sights on HH.

Having been taken under the wing of Alexander Cooke, Saffron hung up her dancing shoes and has never looked back. Swanning the office, you'll probably find her mimicking Cookie's northern accent or having a good old natter with Jules at the front desk.

Lola Boothby

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Associate Agent

She was a showgirl. Until people realised her real name was Dolores, that is.

Born and bred in West London, Lola cast her web further afield and studied Psychology at the University of Manchester before travelling around South America to “find herself".

Having found nothing short of a hangover she returned to London and truly found her home at HH. At first the General Assistant, she now makes up one third of the dream team that is Maddie Dewhirst and Sian Smyth's office. 

Alexandra Stockley

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Alex wanted to be a ballerina when she grew up...

After training at the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School as a child, she soon realised that not being able to touch her toes might be a slight issue, and decided to go behind the scenes into the world of Talent management!

You can mostly find her humming showtunes, stealing Chris' chewing gum on a daily basis and never replacing it!

Joseph Crawford

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Agent, Commercial and Voice-over

Joseph wanted to be Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act when he grew up...Strangely he never made it to the convent...

Joseph work​ed​ in Fashion PR at Starworks Group for 5 years. He then worked as a personal publicist for actors in Film, Television and Theatre.

Having accumulated the perfect requisite skills, he landed on his feet as ​a member of the Commercial​s​ and Voice-over ​division at HH.


Poppy Etheridge

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Assistant to Christopher Farrar

Poppy wanted to work in a shoe shop when she grew up, she was dying for that all important name badge

Once she realised stranger’s feet aren’t quite as exciting as the name badge that came with it, she decided to try dancing instead.

After training at The Urdang Academy and then sailing around Asia for 2 years as a dancer (managing to get the name badge in there too) she decided that might not be for her either and set her sights on the world of Talent Management.

Adam Hogan

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Adam wanted to be a labrador when he grew up. Woof!

Trading the dog life for the high life, he's been brightening our door for many a year.  Indeed his first-ever job out of university was with Hamilton Hodell before he roamed away to dabble in the occult arts of Production and Business Affairs at Carnival Films and Channel 4.  

He returned to us in due course, complete with a dumbbell in one hand and a protein shake in the other.  He's still not a labrador, but he does like belly rubs.

Adam holds an MBA from Warwick Business School.

Carla Jones

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Assistant to India Sinclair

Carla wanted to be a professional-lipstick-wearer when she grew up.

Having learnt to properly apply it years later, she realised that is not a thing, and decided to ditch the cosmetic dream and pursue a career in talent management. 
She managed a capella groups during her time at university, and spent her graduate years learning about the world of Voice Over in a boutique agency before joining the Commercial & VO team at HH.

Emily Hockaday

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Assistant to the office of Madeleine Dewhirst and Sian Smyth

Emily wanted to be a pop star when she grew up....but she could never quite hit those high notes

After a 3 year philosophy degree at Bristol University Emily decided it was time to hang up her academic gown, swap tequila shots for talent spotting and head for the bright lights of London. 

Emily joined the HH family as the general assistant in March 2020 coinciding with the beginning of lockdown but we don't think the two events are related. 

Since then, Emily has become the assistant to the office of Madeleine Dewhirst and Sian Smyth.

Famous for putting on the most elaborate of HH Tea parties, Emily knows her cookies from her cakes (as pictured). 

Adrienn Arvai

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Head of Finance

Adrienn wanted to be a theatre actor when she grew up

Eventually, she discovered the delight of excel spreadsheets, and she realised what her real passion is:  counting not acting!

She moved from Budapest to London and set up her own accountancy company specialising in talent agencies.  When she encountered Hamilton Hodell, she found her perfect match and she joined them full time!

We never really let go of our childhood dreams, do we?  So, in the evenings, you can often find Adrienn in the theatre, watching the magic with sparkling eyes.

Nicky Cook

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Assistant to Joseph Crawford

Nicky wanted to be a back up dancer when she grew up.

After graduating from the University of Leeds in Communication and Media, Nicky dipped her toes into the world of animation and VFX as a Production Assistant. She eventually found herself in the Commercial and Voice-Over division at HH, living out her dream, as India, Joseph and Carla’s back up dancer.

Anna Blekkingh

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Assistant to Joshua Woodford and Elizabeth Fieldhouse

Anna wanted to be Madonna when she grew up…

After three years studying Anthropology at Bristol University, Anna headed straight back to her beloved hometown, London! After hopping from Documentaries to Reality TV to working with Below the Line Talent her prayers were finally answered after landing at HH. Since then, Anna has become assistant to Elizabeth Fieldhouse and Joshua Woodford and she’s been feeling like a Lucky Star ever since.

Jhanvi Bhatt

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Client Account Manager

Jhanvi wanted to marry a famous Bollywood actor when she grew up.

She grew up in Mumbai, India, and pursued a degree in commerce.  She found love in an accountant, and they decided to move to London together to see what life had in store.  Jhanvi joined the HH family in 2006, and with her invaluable experience and knowledge across the talent industry, she has progressed from an accounts assistant to a Client Account Manager.  She has the honorary title of "Hamilton Hodell's Secret Weapon", which was bestowed upon her by Christian Hodell.  Jhanvi feels proud that her childhood dream to marry a Media World is now a mission accomplished.  

Jake Robinson

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Finance Assistant

Jake wanted to be a chef when he grew up...

But after a short stint in the kitchens at Langan's, he decided that he'd much rather do the eating than cooking. Plan B was to win Wimbledon, however this also fell through! Eventually, he moved from Harrogate to work as a runner, before finally being tempted by the glamour of finance!

Mithra Harding

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Client Accountant Assistant

Mithra wanted to be Indiana Jones when she grew up. She loved exploring and climbing trees.

She started enjoying the theatre when she studied Shakespeare for her GCSEs.  Her finance experience began after working in a cheese shop on Jermyn Street, where she became their invoice clerk and went on to qualify as a Bookkeeper.  She currently works in the Finance Office at Hamilton Hodell, but at lunch can be found in Whole Foods buying pomegranate juice.

Ann Wilson

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HR/Office Manager

Ann wanted to be a firefighter or a paramedic when she grew up.

From childhood dreams of wanting to save those in danger to the world of Human Resources in the music industry and charity sector, Ann brings a passion for helping people by making a difference in the workplace.  Outside the office, you will find her on a yoga mat!

Connie Beale

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Assistant to Christopher Farrar

When Connie was younger she wanted to be a Vet in the morning and a Ballet Dancer in the evening...

But soon realised that would be rather tiring. After studying History of Art at The University of Edinburgh, Connie returned to where she belongs, South London. She worked at an Art Gallery but soon decided to swap Still-Lifes for Showbizz. Connie joined HH as an intern in 2023 then joined Poppy in Christopher's office and has been feeling (as her generation would say) #blessed ever since.